Monday, February 4, 2008

A day when nenek go back kuching..

Erm....his first day when nenek go back kuching....My hubby called up, can u take half day leave???because my MIL goin back kuching..and keith never stop crying. Cried and cried...kept saying, y nenek dont sayang me...touched when i heard he said that on the phone...
and after 1 hour , i waited for my hubby to call and he did not call....
rupa rupanya....dah kena pow..beli toy ...wakkakakka....
thats the best thing to be daddy and mummy have to work...everytime anak cry, daddy has to go and buy toy .. coz they dont know how to tackle the lil kids and they dont know how to pujuk rayu anak2 with words.....only Mummy can do you sayang!!!

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